In addition to the hyperlinked information above and our Fact-Sheet page, please note the following:
Also refer to the EPA's Homeowner brochures at:
The views and opinions expressed and contained within are those of the author and does not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the NYSDEC, the EPA or any other site referenced. Mapping analysis should not be utilized in real-world analytic products as they are based only on very limited and dated open source information. Assumptions made within are not reflective of the position of any referenced site. Information from these pages has been pulled from USEPA, EPA Water, EPA- Long Island Sound Study, NYCDEP, NYSDEC, NYS GIS Clearinghouse, NYC Water, NYS Conservationist April 2015, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Thompson Reuters WestLaw (NYCRR), USGS, USDA.
Jennifer Zunino-Smith
Environmental Resource Educator
(845) 429-7085 x125
Last updated August 26, 2021