Donna & Nancy


Temporarily Suspended: Guided Demonstration Garden Tour

  • Sunday, April 26, 2020, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
  • Sunday, June 28, 2020, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
  • Sunday, July 26, 2020, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

The garden tours will be temporarily suspended due to health and safety concerns. Check back in the Fall to see if they have resumed.

About the Tours

Join Cornell Cooperative Extension Rockland County’s Master Gardener Volunteers for a tour of the Demonstration Gardens and a brief lecture on seasonally-relevant topics. Tours are the last Sunday of every month from April through October and include information about the ever-changing display of plants native to our region: perennials, ornamental grasses, annuals, herbs, ferns and more. Also come explore our fenced vegetable and perennial gardens.

The combined tour and mini-lecture on the last Sunday of the month is approximately 1.5 hours long and starts at 1PM rain or shine.

2020 Mini-Lecture Topics

  • April 26th- Growing Vegetables
  • May 31st - Pruning
  • June 28th - Invasive Species
  • July 26th- Fencing
  • August 30th- Winter Sowing
  • September 27th Jumping Worms
  • October 25th- Composting

About the Demonstration Gardens:

Master Gardener Volunteers of CCE-RC plan and maintain the Demonstration Gardens, trying out new and different plants to determine their suitability for our area. Many of the plants are selected for drought tolerance or deer resistance. Others are chosen for size, blooming time and winter interest. Maintenance follows Cornell’s Integrated Pest Management (IPM). IPM encourages the minimal use of toxic pesticides. Demonstration gardens at CCE-RC include the Cutting Garden, Fern Garden, Herb Garden, Hillside Garden, Native Plant Garden, Ornamental Grass Garden, Ralph Snodsmith Perennial Garden, Rain Garden and IPM Fenced-In Demonstration Gardens.

Descriptions of Topics


This mini session covers composting basics and tips on how to get started with home composting.


Learn how to keep the wildlife out of your gardens with low cost fencing ideas.

Growing Vegetables

A brief session on growing vegetables in your home garden. Get some tips on how to make them thrive and checkout what we are growing in our Vegetable Variety Trial Gardens.

Invasive Species

Learn about invasive plant species and how they are affecting our ecosystem. We will also look at alternative native plants to add to your gardens to encourage wildlife.

Jumping Worms

Learn about this invasive pest affecting our soils. They are damaging to lawns, landscapes and forest understory. They are not to be ignored.


A brief primer on how and when to prune and the tools needed to keep trees and shrubs healthy and attractive.

Winter Sowing

Learn how to start hardy seeds outdoors easily in mini greenhouses made from recycled plastic bottles


Free to Attend


Kristen Ossmann
Horticulture Resource Educator
(845) 429-7085 ext. 108


CCE Rockland Education Center
10 Patriot Hills Drive
Stony Point, New York 10980

Last updated August 28, 2020